Friday 30th June 2017
Rolf Lassgård, Bahar Pars, Filip Berg, Ida Engvoll, Tobias Almborg and Klas Wiljergård
Annica Bellander, Per Bouveng, Are Heidenstrom, Yaba Holst, Lone Korslund, Katarina Krave, Hanne Palmquist, Agneta Perman, Martin Sundland, Nicklas Wikström Nicastro and Helena Åkerman
59 year old Ove is the block's grumpy man who several years earlier was deposed as president of the condominium association, but he could not give a damn about being deposed and therefore keeps looking over the...
Friday 4th November 2016
Mandus Berg, Adam Dahlgren, Malin Eriksson, Alexander Gustavsson, Wilma Holmén and Tuva Jagell
Jessica Ask, Markku Flink, Hanne Palmquist, Helena Wirenhed and Olle Wirenhed
Three young girls' friendship is tested after they plant a very special flower; the Nectar from the flower changes their lives- and friendship - forever, as they get a taste of what it's like growing up as a boy. It's a story of how we've created...