Sunday 27th October 2024
Benedict Wall, Florence Noble, Jessica Grace Smith, Jonny Brugh, Shadon Meredith and Michelle Ang
The victim of a hit and run learns how to be psychic so he can find the car that hit him and take revenge on the driver.
Friday 9th November 2018
Awahina Rose Ashby, Jonny Brugh, Amber Cureen, Roimata Fox, Acacia Hapi and Wayne Hapi
Ainsley Gardiner, Casey Kaa, Renae Maihi, Awanui Simich-Pene, Briar Grace Smith, Paula Whetu Jones, Chelsea Winstanley and Katie Wolfe
Ainsley Gardiner, Casey Kaa, Renae Maihi, Briar Grace Smith, Josephine Stewart-Tewhiu, Paula Whetu Jones and Katie Wolfe
A powerful and challenging story surrounding the tangi (funeral) of a small boy Waru who dies at the hands of his caregiver and how the boys death impacts the community.