Zero poster

The story revolves around Bauua Singh, a vertically challenged man, who is full of charm and wit, with a pinch of arrogance. Born to a wealthy family and raised in an environment of affluence and indulgence, Bauua was never...

Sui Dhaaga: Made in India poster

A heart-warming story of pride and self-reliance, rooted in the heart of India.

Jab Harry met Sejal poster

The story revolves around Harry and Sejal's journey across Europe. A search for Sejal's engagement ring makes Harry understand love and relationships better. Sejal experiences new found freedom, security and solace...

Phillauri poster

A young Mangalik boy is supposed to marry a tree if he wants to marry a girl of his choice while the tree which he gets married has Shashi a ghost residing on it waiting for her loverShashi starts to follow him everywhere after he...