Friday 31st January 2020
Gupse Ozay, Merve Dizdar, Ferit Aktug, Uraz Kaygilaroglu, Füsun Demirel and Ali Ipin
Known for their devotion to social media, Gizem and Sultan's understanding of marriage is different. Two women enter into an endless competition with each other.
Friday 18th October 2019
Cem Yilmaz, Cemre Ebuzziya, Ozan Güven, Zafer Algöz, Uraz Kaygilaroglu and Cem Davran
4 pals find themselves in the middle of an adventure involving the US Army and aliens when one of them is gone missing during their secret weekend getaway without their wives in a spa center in Komluk. 2 ARADA: Working on a ferry as a...